EMPLOYABLE: Top Tips to Enhance your CV

E.M.P.L.O.Y.A.B.L.E Acronym

Arguably the most difficult task when searching for a job is standing out from the hundreds of others who are doing the same thing. The best way to make sure you bag your place to the interview stage is to make sure you have a great CV. You’ve probably seen loads of tips on the […]

The Best Twitter Accounts for Job Seekers in SA

Twitter for jobs

If you are here, you most likely follow our Twitter page #JobSeekersWednesday, which gives you job seeking tips and assistance in finding your next job. We are not the only page out there on the Twittersphere trying to equip jobseekers with the right tools to gain employment. Here is a few of our favourites: Monster […]

Why your social skills are the only things that matter when job hunting

Social Skills in the Job search

Employers see hundreds of job applications a day, and the modern world means that every applicant is never seen unless they get an interview. All the applicants share one thing: they are hidden behind a computer screen. Unfortunately, only one of them will get the job. This rather pessimistic view is probably the reason why […]