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Learning to Code using the 3/3 Rule

Learning to Code using the 3/3 Rule

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The world of technology demands a different skills set compared to the one required prior to the internet century. Many jobseekers are discovering a reason for their difficulty of finding work. This is that a mismatch occurs between the skills they have and they skills their employer wants.

The #jobseekerswednesday Twitter handle posts an abundance of tech based jobs and a lot of them require a coding ability. Therefore, we thought we’d produce a step by step guide to coding, in the hope of getting people to the level sufficient for occupying these vacancies.

The good news is, anybody can learn to code. Yes, absolutely anybody. A computer and an internet connection are the only resources required, and one day, you could be the developer of a world famous software application! Here it goes: Hold on tight, focus and move head on towards your goal!

1. Find the Time

Having only a broad idea of when you’re going to learn will mean that you’ll soon drift away quickly. If you’re serious about coding to a worthy level, allocate yourself 3 months of commitment. Software Engineer at Resource Design IO, Darryn Yui, advises that you use the 3/3 rule. ‘By applying 3 hours a day for 3 months, you will find you will have reached a sufficient coding level’.

2. Find a Free Course

We wrote an article previously about the many free courses available to enhance your CV, and in the coding world, this is no exception.

Code Academy is among one of the most popular places to code, and 24 million people have already learnt to do so through the platform.

Udemy also offer an abundance of free programming courses, and GitHub is another tried and tested programme.

Make sure you have a look around before committing to one fully. Trying to code through different websites may cause confusion, especially if it’s in different languages.

3. Know the lingo

A lot of people refer to the ability to code as speaking a totally different language. If you’re a true beginner, much of the terminology will feel extremely foreign. Therefore, before diving in fully, try to spend your first few days getting accustomed to the jargon. Check out this coding dictionary made by Computer Hope

4. Stick it out

As much as learning a new skill can be extremely rewarding, they’ll be times when you just want to throw in the towel. Remember to focus on your end goal and recognise that each small step is progress towards reaching it. Slowly but surely, you’ll see yourself moving forward. With any luck, you will certainly catch the coding bug!


Through finding an engaging website, applying the 3/3 rule, and keeping your routine structured, you may just have found the gateway to your career! Good luck!

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